Legal Problems?

Nonprofit Legal Services of Utah can help

You have legal Problems. We have solutions. Contact us for Legal Representation.


Start Right

Converting your for-profit business

into a nonprofit organization

is the very first Step

We Know

Whats Important

That the foundational roots

To any organization is security

Legal protection can not be


Run Smoothly

No Delays

Incorporation, bylaws,

setting up your organization

and applying for 501(c)(3) status

Eliminate hiccups

and headaches

We strive diligently to

remove many of the headaches

that come from all things that start

With Legal


For Everyone

Complying with federal, state,

and local regulations,

including laws governing Charitable


We want

What you want, and that is

to comply with the government

In all of your specific


Unfortunately, some organizations veer off track due to the tangled web of laws and regulations governing nonprofits. In steps Nonprofit Legal Services of Utah. We will help you get your organization started on the right foot and running smoothly for a price that is fair and affordable.

Even worse, many people simply give up their dream of starting a nonprofit when they try to tackle the process on their own. In steps Nonprofit Legal Services of Utah. We will help you get your organization started on the right foot and running smoothly for a price that is fair and affordable.